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Install the latest version

 gem install prefab-cloud-ruby

Initialize Client

If you set PREFAB_API_KEY as an environment variable, initializing the client is as easy as

Prefab.init # reads PREFAB_API_KEY env var by default

Rails Applications

Initializing Prefab in your application.rb will allow you to reference dynamic configuration in your environment (e.g. staging.rb) and initializers. This is useful for setting environment-specific config like your redis connection URL.

module MyApplication
class Application < Rails::Application


Special Considerations with Forking servers like Puma & Unicorn that use workers

Many ruby web servers fork. In order to work properly we should have a Prefab Client running independently in each fork. You do not need to do this if you are only using threads and not workers. If using SemanticLogger, you will also need to reopen the logger in each fork.

If using workers in Puma, you can initialize inside an on_worker_boot hook in your puma.rb config file.

# puma.rb
on_worker_boot do
SemanticLogger.reopen # if you are using SemanticLogger

Feature Flags

For boolean flags, you can use the enabled? convenience method:

if Prefab.enabled?("my-first-feature-flag")
# ...
# ...
Feature flags don't have to return just true or false.

You can get other data types using get:



Feature flags become more powerful when we give the flag evaluation rules more information to work with. We do this by providing context of the current user (and/or team, request, etc.)

Global Context

When initializing the client, you can set a global context that will be used for all evaluations.

global_context: {
application: {key: "my.corp.web"},
cpu: {count: 4},
clock: {timezone: "UTC"}

Global context is the least specific context and will be overridden by more specific context passed in at the time of evaluation.

Thread-local (Request-scoped)

To make the best use of Prefab, we recommend setting context in an around_action in your ApplicationController. Setting this context for the life-cycle of the request means the Prefab logger can be aware of your user/etc. for feature flags and targeted log levels and you won't have to explicitly pass context into your .enabled? and .get calls.

# application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
around_action do |_, block|
Prefab.with_context(prefab_context, &block)

def prefab_context
device: {
mobile: mobile?
# ...

def prefab_user_context
return {} unless current_user

key: current_user.tracking_id,
# ...
Just-in-time Context

You can also pass context when evaluating individual flags or config values.

context = {
user: {
id: 123,
key: 'user-123',
subscription_level: 'pro',
email: ""
team: {
id: 432,
key: 'team-abc',
device: {
key: "abcdef",
mobile: true,
result = Prefab.enabled?("my-first-feature-flag", context)

puts "my-first-feature-flag is: #{result} for #{context.inspect}"

Dynamic Config

Config values are accessed the same way as feature flag values. You can use enabled? as a convenience for boolean values, and get works for all data types

config_key = "my-first-int-config"
puts "#{config_key} is: #{Prefab.get(config_key)}"

Default Values for Configs

Here we ask for the value of a config named max-jobs-per-second, and we specify 10 as a default value if no value is available.

Prefab.get("max-jobs-per-second", 10) # => returns `10` if no value is available

If we don't provide a default and no value is available, a Prefab::Errors::MissingDefaultError error will be raised.

Prefab.get("max-jobs-per-second") # => raises if no value is available

You can modify this behavior by setting the option on_no_default to Prefab::Options::ON_NO_DEFAULT::RETURN_NIL

Dynamic Log Levels

To use dynamic logging, we recommend semantic logger. Add semantic_logger to your Gemfile and then we'll configure our app to use it.

# Gemfile
gem "semantic_logger"
require "semantic_logger"
require "prefab"


SemanticLogger.default_level = :trace # Prefab will take over the filtering
io: $stdout,
formatter: :json,
filter: Prefab.log_filter,

Now we are free to adjust our log levels, down to the controller or method level in real-time. Invaluable for debugging! You can set and tweak these on-the-fly in the Prefab web app.

Targeted Log Levels

You can use Targeting to change your log levels based on the current user/request/device context using our rules engine.


By default, Prefab uploads telemetry that enables a number of useful features. You can alter or disable this behavior using the following options:

collect_evaluation_summariesSend counts of config/flag evaluation results back to Prefab to view in web apptrue
collect_logger_countsSend counts of logger usage back to Prefab to power log-levels configuration screentrue
context_upload_modeUpload either context "shapes" (the names and data types your app uses in prefab contexts) or periodically send full example contexts:periodic_example

If you want to change any of these options, you can pass an options object when initializing the Prefab client.

module MyApplication
class Application < Rails::Application

options =
collect_evaluation_summaries: true,
collect_logger_counts: true,
context_upload_mode: :periodic_example,



You can control the Prefab client's log level by changing the configuration value of In the rare case that you are trying to debug issues that occur before this config file has been read, set env var


Asset Precompilation in Rails

Developers trying to run rake assets:precompile or rails assets:precompile in CI/CD know the pain of missing environment variables. Prefab can help with this, but you don't want to hardcode your Prefab API key in your Dockerfile. What should you do instead?

We recommend using a datafile for assets:precompile. You can generate a datafile for your environment using the Prefab CLI:

prefab download --environment test

This will generate a JSON file (e.g., prefab.test.108.config.json) based on your Prefab project’s test environment. You can check into your repo for use in CI/CD and automated testing.

Now you can use the datafile for assets:precompile:

PREFAB_DATAFILE=prefab.test.108.config.json bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Of course, you can generate a datafile for any environment you like and use it in the same way.


Test Setup

You can use a datafile for consistency, reproducibility, and offline testing. See Testing with DataFiles.

If you need to test multiple scenarios that depend on a single config or feature key, you can change the Prefab value using a mock or stub.

Example Test

Imagine we want to test a batches method on our Job class. batches depends on job.batch.size and the value for job.batch.size in our default config file is 3.

We can test how batches performs with different values for job.batch.size by mocking the return value of Prefab.get.

class Job < Array
def batches
slice_size = Prefab.get('job.batch.size')

RSpec.describe Job do
describe '#batches' do
it 'returns batches of jobs' do
jobs =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

expect( eq([3, 2])

allow(Prefab).to receive(:get).with('job.batch.size').and_return(2)
expect( eq([2, 2, 1])


Client Initialization Options

For more control, you can initialize your client with options. Here are the defaults with explanations.

options =
api_key: ENV['PREFAB_API_KEY'],
prefab_api_url: ENV['PREFAB_API_URL'] || '',
on_no_default: ON_NO_DEFAULT::RAISE, # options :raise, :warn_and_return_nil,
initialization_timeout_sec: 10, # how long to wait before on_init_failure
on_init_failure: ON_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE::RAISE, # choose to crash or continue with local data only if unable to fetch config data from prefab at startup
prefab_config_override_dir: Dir.home,
prefab_config_classpath_dir: '.', # where to load local overrides
prefab_envs: ENV['PREFAB_ENVS'].nil? ? [] : ENV['PREFAB_ENVS'].split(','),
collect_logger_counts: true, # send counts of logger usage back to Prefab to power log-levels configuration screen
collect_max_paths: DEFAULT_MAX_PATHS,
collect_sync_interval: nil,
context_upload_mode: :periodic_example, # :periodic_example, :shape_only, :none
collect_evaluation_summaries: true, # send counts of config/flag evaluation results back to Prefab to view in web app
collect_max_evaluation_summaries: DEFAULT_MAX_EVAL_SUMMARIES,
allow_telemetry_in_local_mode: false,
global_context: {}
