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If you're using React, consider using our React Client instead.

Install the latest version

Use your favorite package manager to install @prefab-cloud/prefab-cloud-js npm | github

npm install @prefab-cloud/prefab-cloud-js

TypeScript types are included with the package.

Initialize the client

Initialize prefab with your api key:

import { prefab } from "@prefab-cloud/prefab-cloud-js";

const options = {

await prefab.init(options);

prefab.init will request the calculated feature flags for the provided context as a single HTTPS request. If you need to check for updates to feature flag values, you can learn more about polling below.

You aren't required to await the init -- it is a promise, so you can use .then, .finally, .catch, etc. instead if you prefer.


While prefab is loading, isEnabled will return false, get will return undefined, and shouldLog will use your defaultLevel.

Feature Flags

Now you can use prefab's feature flag evaluation, e.g.

if (prefab.isEnabled('cool-feature') {
// ... this code only evaluates if `cool-feature` is enabled for the current context

You can also use get to access the value of non-boolean flags

const stringValue = prefab.get("my-string-flag");


Context accepts an object with keys that are context names and key value pairs with attributes describing the context. You can use this to write targeting rules, e.g. segment your users.

import { prefab, Context } from "@prefab-cloud/prefab-cloud-js";

const options = {
context: new Context({
user: { key: "abcdef", email: "" },
device: { key: "hijklm", mobile: true },

await prefab.init(options);


After prefab.init(), you can start polling. Polling uses the context you defined in init by default. You can update the context for future polling by setting it on the prefab object.

// some time after init
prefab.poll({ frequencyInMs: 300000 });

// we're now polling with the context used from `init`

// later, perhaps after a visitor logs in and now you have the context of
// their current user
user: { email:, key: user.trackingId },

// updateContext will immediately load the newest from Prefab based on the
// new context. Future polling will use the new context as well.

Dynamic Config

Config values are accessed the same way as feature flag values. You can use isEnabled as a convenience for boolean values, and get works for all data types.

By default configs are not sent to client SDKs. You must enable access for each individual config. You can do this by checking the "Send to client SDKs" checkbox when creating or editing a config.

Dynamic Logging

shouldLog allows you to implement dynamic logging. It takes the following properties:


If you've configured a level value for loggerName (or a parent in the dot-notation hierarchy like "my.corp.widgets") then that value will be used for comparison against the desiredLevel. If no configured level is found in the hierarchy for loggerName then the provided defaultLevel will be compared against desiredLevel.

If desiredLevel is greater than or equal to the comparison severity, then shouldLog returns true. If the desiredLevel is less than the comparison severity, then shouldLog will return false.

Example usage:

const desiredLevel = "info";
const defaultLevel = "error";
const loggerName = "my.corp.widgets.modal";

if (shouldLog({ loggerName, desiredLevel, defaultLevel })) {"...");

If no log level value is configured in Prefab for "my.corp.widgets.modal" or higher in the hierarchy, then the will not happen. If the value is configured and is INFO or more verbose, the will happen.

Tracking Experiment Exposures

If you're using Prefab for A/B testing, you can supply code for tracking experiment exposures to your data warehouse or analytics tool of choice.

import { prefab, Context } from "@prefab-cloud/prefab-cloud-js";

const options = {
context: new Context({
user: { key: "abcdef", email: "" },
device: { key: "hijklm", mobile: true },
afterEvaluationCallback: (key, value) => {
// call your analytics tool this example we are sending data to posthog
window.posthog?.capture("Feature Flag Evaluation", {

await prefab.init(options);

afterEvaluationCallback will be called each time you evaluate a feature flag or config using get or isEnabled.


By default, Prefab will collect summary counts of config and feature flag evaluations to help you understand how your configs and flags are being used in the real world. You can opt out of this behavior by passing collectEvaluationSummaries: false in the options to prefab.init.

Prefab also stores the context that you pass in. The context keys are used to power autocomplete in the rule editor, and the individual values power the Contexts page for troubleshooting targeting rules and individual flag overrides. If you want to change what Prefab stores, you can pass a different value for collectContextMode.

collectContextMode valueBehavior
PERIODIC_EXAMPLEStores context values and context keys. This is the default.
SHAPE_ONLYStores context keys only.
NONEStores nothing. Context will only be used for rule evaluation.


In your test suite, you should skip prefab.init altogether and instead use prefab.setConfig to set up your test state.

it("shows the turbo button when the feature is enabled", () => {
turbo: true,
defaultMediaCount: 3,

const rendered = new MyComponent().render();

expect(rendered).toMatch(/Enable Turbo/);
expect(rendered).toMatch(/Media Count: 3/);


prefab Properties

isEnabledprefab.isEnabled("new-logo")returns a boolean (default false) if a feature is enabled based on the current context
getprefab.get('retry-count')returns the value of a flag or config evaluated in the current context
loadedif (prefab.loaded) { ... }a boolean indicating whether prefab content has loaded
shouldLogif (prefab.shouldLog(...)) {returns a boolean indicating whether the proposed log level is valid for the current context
pollprefab.poll({frequencyInMs})starts polling every frequencyInMs ms.
stopPollingprefab.stopPolling()stops the polling process
contextprefab.contextget the current context (after init()).
updateContextprefab.updateContext(newContext)update the context and refetch. Pass false as a second argument to skip refetching