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Config Load Order


We're replacing the default system with a new pattern that we believe is a much simpler, while providing even more flexibility, power and resiliency.

The core use case of defaults was to provide settings for offline development in testing and CI. This is better solved with our datafiles.

If you believe you need this old system, please reach out to us to discuss.

On startup, config clients load config in the following order, with each level taking precedence over the previous:

  1. Default Config File .prefab.default.config.yaml on the classpath
  2. Prefab Env config files such as .prefab.staging.config.yaml, .prefab.test.config.yaml or .prefab.k8s.config.yaml
  3. Most current values from PrefabCloud APIs & CDNs as described in how the backend SDK works
  4. Local Override File .prefab.default.config.yaml in the override directory (defaults to $HOME)
  5. Local Override Prefab Env Files .prefab.test.config.yaml in the override directory (defaults to $HOME)

Reconfiguring Config File Locations

The classpath config file location can be changed with the env var PREFAB_CONFIG_CLASSPATH_DIR

The local override config file location can be changed with env var PREFAB_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_DIR

Override Files & Load Order

All API values will take precedence over the values that come from your default files.

For local development, in can be helpful to have your own settings that are not checked into source control. This is the time for an override file. Name your file .prefab.default.config.yaml and put it in your home directory. These values will have a higher precedence than values from the API.


Using an Override file in a deployed environment is an anti-pattern. You should be able to achieve what you need to do with some combination of Prefab Envs and context.

Helpful Logging

Understanding which config your app is using can take some getting used to. To help Prefab has quite a lot of logging. You can turn it all on with debug in your .prefab.default.config.yaml.

Here you can see the: key, value, type, match and source for each config value. The source tells us whether we are using a value from a config file or an API value. The match tells us whether there is a value defined for the environment or namespace we are using.

DEBUG 2022-09-06 09:23:53 -0400: prefab:  Initialize ConfigClient
INFO 2022-09-06 09:23:53 -0400: prefab: Load ./.prefab.default.config.yaml
INFO 2022-09-06 09:23:53 -0400: prefab: Load /Users/user/.prefab.default.config.yaml
DEBUG 2022-09-06 09:23:53 -0400: prefab: Initialize ConfigClient: AcquiredWriteLock
INFO 2022-09-06 09:23:55 -0400: prefab: Found new checkpoint with highwater id 16621306673926944 from remote_cdn_api in project X environment: Y and namespace: 'myapp.web'
INFO 2022-09-06 09:23:55 -0400: prefab: Unlocked Config via remote_cdn_api
INFO 2022-09-06 09:23:55 -0400: prefab:
accounting.api-uage.error-on-unknown-project | false | FalseCl | Match: default | Source: ./.prefab.default.config.yaml
features.api-usage | <Prefab::FeatureFlag: active: true, | Prefab: | Match: env:Y | Source: remote_cdn_api
google.gcp.big-query.dataset_name | development_dataset | String | Match: default | Source: ./.prefab.default.config.yaml
google.gcp.project-id | gcp-prod | String | Match: default | Source: ./.prefab.default.config.yaml
log-level | debug | String | Match: default | Source: /Users/user/.prefab.default.config.yaml | info | String | Match: default | Source: remote_cdn_api | debug | String | Match: default | Source: /Users/user/.prefab.default.config.yaml | info | String | Match: default | Source: ./.prefab.default.config.yaml | debug | String | Match: default | Source: ./.prefab.default.config.yaml
redis.url | redis://localhost:6379 | String | Match: env:Y | Source: remote_cdn_api

On Initialization Failure

Prefab goes to great lengths to ensure that you can get live data, but we need to specify behavior if your application cannot connect. The internal configuration store begins in a locked state. It unlocks once it has live data. Prefab gives you two choice if we are unable to get live data.

  1. We can raise an error. This is the default.
  2. We can unlock and continue with default values.

Here is how to set Prefab to unlock and continue:

options =
on_init_failure: Prefab::Options::ON_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE::RETURN,
initialization_timeout_sec: 20