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Secret Management

Prefab has zero-knowledge support for sharing your secrets between developers and between your different applications. We use simple & straightforward cryptography and Prefab never sees anything unencrypted. This simplifies sharing secrets for local development and sharing secrets between multiple applications or languages because you only need a single encryption/decryption secret. (Multiple secrets is perfectly fine too, use as many as you require).

Prefab owns:

  • CLI to locally encrypt and push to Prefab
  • Distributing the encrypted values to your systems
  • SDKs to decrypt Prefab.get("my-secret") => "the message"

You own:

  • Sharing the encryption/decryption secret(s) with the correct people / services

How Does It Work

  1. You create a secret key with the CLI. This is a series of random bytes that you keep secret.
  2. This secret key needs to be available on developer machines to encrypt and in deployed environments to decrypt, you do this via your existing process for sharing environment variables.
  3. You use our CLI to encrypt the string you want to keep secret.
  4. Prefab will share the encrypted contents with your applications.
  5. Your applications will decrypt the contents with the secret key.

What Does That Look Like?



Prefab secret management uses standard Prefab dynamic configuration to store and share your secrets between your applications.

In particular, it uses two special types of configuration attributes: decryptWith and provided. Let's see how these work together.

Step 1: Create an Encryption Key

Prefab allows you to declare that a configuration value will be "provided by" an environment variable. Prefab will store a config that is kind of an empty vessel. It is a pointer that says "find my value from this ENV VAR".

We want Prefab to have zero knowledge of your encryption key, so we'll use these provided values so you don't have to tell us the encryption key.

Create the Provided By Env Var Config

prefab create prefab.secrets.encryption.key --env-var=PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_DEFAULT --type string --confidential

This creates:

  1. A config called prefab.secrets.encryption.key
  2. That will resolve to PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_DEFAULT
  3. That won't report/print the value because it's --confidential

Put something in the vessel locally

We'll generate a secure series of random bytes to be our encryption key.

> prefab generate-new-hex-key

Now we put this into our environment using something like a .env.local file.


If we run our application now and call Prefab.get("prefab.secrets.encryption.key") we'll get 17f65155e45a42777d89091e40cddc5541ac4851c44134f86db7a408a7fea5a8.

Step 2: Encrypt Something

Encrypt a value

prefab create my.api.key --type string --value="sample api key" --secret

This will:

  1. Assume that we are using the value of prefab.secrets.encryption.key to encrypt.
  2. Pull the key from our environment.
  3. Use that key to encrypt sample api key
  4. Push and encrypted blob to Prefab under the key my.api.key

Here's a pictorial representation of what we've done so far

Step 3: Using the Secret

Locally, we're all set. We can use the language appropriate form of Prefab.get("my.api.key") and the library will decrypt our secret.

To use the secret in another environment, you just need to get PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_DEFAULT=17f65155e45a42777d89091e40cddc5541ac4851c44134f86db7a408a7fea5a8 set in that environment.

Separate Keys For Different Environments

So far, we've shared the same secret for development and staging, but it's very likely you'll want a different key for your production secrets. This is no problem. The nature of provided means that our prefab.secrets.encryption.key can resolve to different ENV vars in different environments.

Generate a second secret

> prefab generate-new-hex-key

Put that secret into a separate env var

Why use a second env var? Well, you aren't required to. You could share the same name for the env var in all your environments.

The trick is that this can make using the CLI locally more challenging. Locally, the CLI will need to be able to encrypt for both the default and production environments. We find it is easier to have them use different names so they don't collide locally. Here's what that looks like


Update the prefab.secrets.encryption.key to look for the other ENV var in production

$ prefab change-default --confidential --env-var=PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_PRODUCTION              

? Which item would you like to change the default for? prefab.secrets.encryption.key
? Which environment would you like to change the default for? Production
Confirm: change the default for prefab.secrets.encryption.key in Production to be provided by `PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_PRODUCTION`? yes/no: yes
✔ Successfully changed default to be provided by `PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_PRODUCTION` (confidential)

This is now the mapping of environment to ENV Var.

We can also see this by running prefab info.

$ prefab info  prefab.secrets.encryption.key

- Development: [inherit]

No evaluations in the past 24 hours

Set a Secret in Production

Finally, let's set a production secret.

$ prefab change-default
? Which item would you like to change the default for? my.api.key
? Which environment would you like to change the default for? Production
Default value: sk_live_123
Confirm: change the default for in Production to `sk_live_123`? yes/no: yes
✔ Successfully changed default to `sk_live_123`

Note: You can use as many encryption keys as you want. It is a common practice to have 2, one for production and one for all other environments. But you can have as many secrets as you need in order to align with the trust groups you require.

Full Example Diagram

How should I get the actual Secret keys passed around.

In order to share the PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_DEFAULT with developers, you can use a password manager such as 1Password or you can use one of the secure 1-time password sharing website like onetimesecret or

This will be the only secret you ever need to share amongst your developers going forward.

How do secrets work in CI?

Because Prefab secret management uses the regular dynamic configuration, you'll use the same techniques to run in continuous integration environments which may be offline. The full guide is available in Testing. The only thing you'll need to remember is to make PREFAB_SECRET_KEY_DEFAULT available to processes in CI.